Wendy Bodin, B.S. CKP CPH RMT is a Holistic Empowerment Life and Wellness Coach, Certified Herbalist, Certified Kinesiologist, Lotus Path Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner and Luminary Feng Shui Consultant. Wendy offers Intuitive healing and guidance for health, life, career, relationships and home harmony.  Distance consultations are also available for individuals and for house and business blessings with Feng Shui advice. Wendy has over 23 years experience in natural holistic healing and Buddhist spiritual healing.

Wendy Bodin was selected as a contributing writer and as the representative Kinesiologist for the book, “Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, 2nd Edition, by Mari Skelly and Helen Walker, 2006

Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

 Luminary Health Therapeutics
  Albuquerque, New Mexico
Live Well And Be Well

Holistic, Spiritual and Environmental Healing
Your dreams, visions and path to well-being is only a step away. 
LuminaryHealth.com Copyright 2002-2025 Wendy Bodin 
This is the original LuminaryHealth since 1999
LuminaryHealth.com Copyright 2002-2025  by Wendy Bodin 
This is the original Luminary Health since 1999
Copyright 2002-2025 Wendy Bodin Luminaryhealth.com