Luminary Reiki Treatments and Divine Power Shift Treatments 
by Wendy Bodin, Albuquerque Reiki Master, Lotus Path Reiki Instructor

Luminary Holistics, LLC, Albuquerque, NM
Reiki Treatments
 Mikao Usui
Lotus Path Reiki Workshops Levels I, II and III in Albuquerque, NM
Book your Reiki Treatment with Wendy
Distance Healing  Consultations
Wendy Bodin,Albuquerque Lotus Path Reiki Master, Lotus Path Reiki founder and Teacher
Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

Luminary HealthAbout WendyKinesiologyHolistic Life CoachingWeight Loss
Reiki TreatmentsReiki Training New MexicoDistance ConsultationsHouse BlessingsFeng Shui

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Reiki and Divine Energy Shift Therapy Treatments:
Wendy Bodin is an Intuitive healer, Lotus Path Reiki Master, Pranic Healer and Buddhist Spiritual Energy Healer. Wendy believes  healing is energetic in nature.  Each session allows you to receive the gifts of spiritual awareness, wisdom and divinely guided healing with compassion.  Individual sessions are taken by appointment.  

Albuquerque Energy Healing Sessions:
Local in person sessions are currently being held at our clinic in Albuquerque, NM. We also offer distance healing session by appointment at a time convenient for you.     

Distance Energy Healing Divine Correction sessions.
Appointments for Distance Healing sessions for yourself, another individual or a beloved pet can be set-up at most any time.  The person or pet needing healing, does not need to be present.  They can be located anywhere in the world.  Please call Wendy to discuss and set the time for the actual healing session.  Phone contact must be made prior to the session. I will write up a summary for you of what was accomplished during the session.  Call Wendys Office for appointments:  505-503.7276​ 

Therapeutic Reiki Treatments by Wendy Bodin, RMT CKP CPH, Albuquerque, NM

Therapeutic Reiki treatments are relaxing and promotes inner healing gently and effectively. Consistent regular Reiki sessions are recommended for more effective healing.     

Reiki Therapy with Insight:
60 minutes of guided Reiki healing (in person table treatment at our clinic)

30 minutes of guided Reiki healing (table treatment at our clinic)

Call for info and your appointment: 505-503.7276

Divine Power Shift Treatments: with Reiki and focused neural pressure point therapy

This method of energy Therapy is very focused and effective for gaining quick pain and symptom relief for any kind of trauma or injury. We will deep cleanse the aura, chakras, troubled areas and restore harmony and promotes quick healing. Results can be amazing. Individual sessions are available by appointment in Albuquerque or with a  Distance healing consultation by appointment  at a time convenient for you.

Divine Power Shift on-site Treatments:
60 minutes of intuitive Focused Healing (in person at our clinic)

Divine Power Shift on-site Treatments (in person at our clinic):
30 minutes of intuitive Focused Healing: 
 Call for appointments:   505-962-2326  cell      Note:
 Please visit the Distance healing page:      New location not established yet.

Lotus Path Reiki Classes   by Wendy Bodin, RMT

Lotus Path Reiki is the method of Reiki that I founded and teach. It is encompasses the deeper background of Reiki that comes from Vajrayana (the Northern Tradition of Buddhism) that Reiki has its roots in. Reiki is not a religion and does not have any dogma. It is just a method of healing with energy that connects us with Divine Guidance and love. It matters not what your religion is, it is all about accessing Universal Life Force energy that is Divine Love. Love is the one thing that heals better than anything else in the universe. It is the life force of the universe that we are made of and that is the source of our healing and power. 

Lotus Path Reiki Level-I, Level-II and Level-III Master Classes are regularly offered in Albuquerque. Master classes may be privately scheduled.  It is possible for Wendy to deliver classes to you in your area within New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona or with-in a reasonable distance. Must be booked and guaranteed in advance.  Minimum attendee requirements for off-site classes.  Visit the Reiki Training Page for Class info. Wendy Bodin is the founder of Lotus Path Reiki.


I look forward to meeting you and sharing 
this extraordinary experience with you!
Blessings, Wendy

Reiki has its foundation in ancient Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist spiritual teachings and practice. The Reiki Master connects with divine healing energy commonly referred to as the Universal Life Force. In Lotus Path Reiki we connect with Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Love and Compassion, and the healing blue light of the Medicine Buddha. Reiki is a spiritual power that is believed to to have adorned the Buddha when he reached  enlightenment. He gave the gift of Reiki to his students along with meditation techniques that were the means of his self-realization.  In the late 1800's Mikao Usui "rediscovered" Reiki  while searching through some Sanskrit sutras in a Kyoto Buddhist Temple. The Reiki symbols and knowledge had been lost or hidden for centuries.  Usui Sensei was a Qi Gong Master and Buddhist student who was searching for a method of healing that could heal many easily, without depleting his own energy.  While meditating on Mt. Kurama, he received his own personalized Reiki Attunements, from which he attained the ability to heal by laying on of the hands and to send healing over distances. He then taught Reiki to Dr. Hayashi who successfully started the first Reiki clinic in Japan.
Divine Energy Shift Therapy Treatment 60 min  $65.00
Divine Energy Shift Therapy 30 min  $40.00
What is Reiki?   Why Luminary Lotus Path Reiki? 

by Wendy Bodin, CKP CPH RMT Lotus Path Reiki Master 
Copyright 2002-2023  Wendy Bodin 

Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful heart-centered energy healing method that promotes spiritual and emotional, growth, inner awareness and profound healing. Reiki is healing through divine love and compassion. Reiki is an excellent means to give a gentle boost to those who fear healing, or need to recover from trauma of any kind. Reiki is an excellent method to treat and promote healing for head injuries, TBI, to move out of chronic conditions that are slow to heal. Reiki is also excellent therapy for those going through chemotherapy and radiation, and for those going through any kind of emotional loss or trauma. It can be used anytime anywhere for first aide. I use it everyday and don't know how I ever got through life without it. Reiki is a means to reconnect us to our own inner healing power and Divine Source.  Luminary Reiki Treatments with Wendy

Reiki means  “Universal Life Force” from the Japanese,  "Rei" = Universal, and "Ki" = Life Force.  Ki is also known as Qi, or Chi in Chinese. Reiki is a gentle energy healing method that channels Reiki or “life force energy” through the crown chakra and through the hands of the Reiki practitioner.

Reiki accesses the Divine Source of Life to activate the body’s own healing mechanisms. With Reiki, we can heal ourselves and others on all levels; spiritually mentally, emotionally as well as physically. Reiki energy is a non-invasive, gentle healing energy that balances the chakras and gently removes blockages (stagnant chi) in the meridians.  Fresh and pure life force energy is then sent to the areas where the blockages were.

Reiki is a safe and effective healing modality that assists and accelerates the healing processes within. It can be effective in cases that do not respond to other forms of treatment.  When used with other healing therapies or treatments, Reiki will enhance the effectiveness and speed up recovery.

Reiki is an essence that comes from the Source of Life itself. Reiki is considered to be a path to enlightenment.  It will teach you the way.  Reiki is a vehicle to becoming conscious of your own spiritual path regardless of your faith or path.  Anyone can learn and practice Reiki. This natural ability to channel healing energy through the hands is awakened through a series of direct transmission initiations called attunements, which align energy centers in the body and hands. Reiki is not a system of religious beliefs, but a method of accessing guided healing energy from the divine source.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.  Reiki is from Divine Source.  Reiki is love.  Love is the gentlest and strongest healing force.

Reiki Energy: 

Reiki is wonderful!  Contact Wendy today to book your gentle Reiki Healing Treatment or to inquire about Reiki workshops to resume in the near future.
  (505) 503.7276 (land line)  505.962.2326 cell   or   email your questions

Reiki Treatment 60 min  $60.00
Reiki Session 30 Min  $40.00
Thank you for the energy therapy. Most amazingly, I've not used my thumb brace once since you removed the energy block that was in my upper arm...truly amazing!
Nicole S, Albuquerque, NM
Contact Wendy for appointments and more information: 
505-962-2326  cell   505-503-7276 Office phone
  Email Questions
Luminary Holistics, LLC

Call  for appointment info, and future location. Taking appointments now for Distance and remote healing with Divine Empowerment Shift, Reiki, Pranic healing and customized energy therapies.
60 Minute table Reiki Treatment: $65.00 + tax
30 Minute Table Reiki Treatment:  $42.00 + tax
Divine Power Shift One Hour Table Treatment; Reiki with Focused Energy Therapy: $65.00 + tax
Divine Energy Shift Table Treatment 30 minutes: $42.00 + tax
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Book your Divine Power Shift Energy Therapy Treatment with Wendy 

Copyright 2002-2023    Wendy Bodin