1. What type of business are you in? Service
2. In what direction do you want to grow?
3. Do you wish to downsize?
4. What is your company's Mission Statement?
5. Is your company achieving it's mission?
6. What goals are yet to be accomplished?
7. Does your facility(s) reflect the goals and mission of your company?
8. What areas within your company do you feel need attention? (General)
9. Specifically, where are the places you see problems arise? List known problems:
Employee relations:
Customer relations:
Departments or Divisions:

Any high stress environments?
Interior furnishings, decor, colors, arrangements etc.
Physical/structural aspects of the office, building, land, street issues etc:
Contact Wendy at: 505- 503-7276 or 505.962.2326 cell
In order to get you thinking and to help me help you, here is a brief questionnaire for you to fill out. From here we will have a good starting point to access what we can do to improve your business harmony, productivity, customer service and other goals. Print the questions and fill in your answers.